Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Post-IUI follow up

Remember how I was worried we'd missed our ideal ovulation window for our first IUI two weeks ago?

Well, on Christmas Eve (8 days past IUI, or 8dpIUI), I had some spotting. I thought, oh great, my period is on its way and this cycle didn't work... I was pretty bummed. But then later that night - nothing. Christmas Day - nothing. I tried one of my cheapie pregnancy tests on Christmas day (even though I'd sworn I would not cave and do that), and could just barely make out a line. I mean I had to seriously squint and get the lighting just right. So I still thought, nah...

But then no Aunt Flo by the day after Christmas, so that day I went to the store and bought 'good' pregnancy tests. Apparently First Response Early Result (FRER as they are known on the trying to conceive message boards) are sort of the gold standard. So I bought a 3-pack.

I got a faint line on the first one. Not as faint as on the internet cheapie from two days before. Even David could see this one. The next day, I took another, and 48 hours after that, the third one. Here they are:

See how that test line got darker over the 48 hours?

I had one Clearblue Digital test from a pack of Clearblue ovulation tests I'd bought awhile back, so I used that one too - this was on 11dpIUI -

Somehow the word "Pregnant" is a lot more real than two lines! Yikes.

Today was 14dpIUI and I went to the clinic for my blood test. They called this afternoon with the result: 92. 

According to the webernets, the average hcg at 14 days is 48, so 92 is really good. 

I am scheduled to go back Friday for a follow up blood test, because if everything is ok, the #s will double within 72 hours. 

After that, they will schedule an ultrasound at 7 weeks (so three weeks from today). They said if everything goes well, at that point I will be sent to my regular OB and won't see the RE any more. 

We are feeling a little bit surreal and not really letting ourselves get too excited. We honestly did not believe it would work the first time. Of course we are happy that it did, but I think due to our issues getting here, we are a lot more guarded than we would have been otherwise. I think once we know the numbers double, we'll breathe a little easier. Then once we can see good stuff on ultrasound, we'll feel even better. We'll probably tell the kids at that point (so if you are reading this and see them in the meantime, mums the word!), and make a big announcement a little later.

Due date is September 8... so weird! I've felt a little crampy, a little tired, and some smells have bothered me (like garlic breath!), but overall I feel fine.

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