Uuuuuh.... yeah.
I'm not new to the idea of transvaginal ultrasounds, at all. I think I had my first one when I was 10 weeks along with Lucy, our first child. I had them with all three pregnancies, as they are the best way to get a view of a first trimester developing fetus. I have had them non-pregnant too, when I've had pain or whatever issues that needed looking at.
Now that we see a reproductive endocrinologist (and by we I mean, most of the time, me), I have had many, and continue having them. I'm at a point right now where I get to have them every other day! What a lucky girl am I!?
Riding the gold, mirrored elevators at The Women's Hospital
When I went for Saturday's, I at least got good news afterwards that I had ONE follicle developing - it measured 14mm at its largest but the average measurement was 12mm so they are calling it that. I have to go back every other day to have my blood estradiol checked and more transvaginal ultrasounds to check its growth. Once they think it is large enough to trigger, I'll need to use my hcg shots (Ovidrel... or rather, get my friend Cathy, who is a nurse, to give me the shots!) then we'll do IUI. So for now, it's just chunks of 48 hours of waiting interspersed with a fun hour visit to the RE to be poked and probed.
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